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Australian Fairy Tale Conference 2018: Gardens of Good and Evil

A garden always has a point .  ―  Elizabeth Hoyt (The Raven Prince)  The garden influences the type of fairy tales, folk tales, myths that are seeded in it. What is the point of the garden, the bush, the landscape in folktales? With my colleagues, and friends, Christine, Phillippa we took our audience down a wonderland ‘rabbit hole’ as we explored the impact of transplanting traditional tales into new natural environments: the garden, the bush, the island. With the aid of illustrations we presented a dialogue (trialogue?) that challenged and questioned if, how and why, various natural settings have impacted on the mannerisms, behaviours and appearance of characters in retold/ adapted fairy tales and mythologies.  ·         What is an ‘authentic' fairy garden? ·         Does the oral tradition of fairy tale gardens and forests preclude all other variations? ·         How do socio-cultural factors impact on the portrayal of the natural setting? Reilly McCarron's